This week's Monday Listicles was chosen again by Stasha at The Good Life, and she has decided to have us write Ten Things In My Home. Since the whole fiasco with our washing machine being broken 2 weeks ago, it was repaired and working again only to break again 4 days after. So now it's irreparable and needed to be replaced. Now sits our brand new washing machine (with a 5 year warranty, I might add) and it works like a charm! *sigh of relief*
In this midst of all of this, I came to realize my list topic.
My 10 Pet Peeves About My Home
1. Flooded basement. Our basement likes to flood and fairly often. Every time it rains, you can guarantee there's water down there. (and our weird cat loves to play in it! Ahh!!)
2. Crumbs on the floor. I cannot stand stepping on a floor with no shoes or socks on and feeling crumbs or particles of mystery stuff under my feet.
3. Pet hair. I love our cat dearly but he's a huge fluff ball and leaves bits of fur everywhere. I usually have to vacuum at least once a day, sometimes twice.
4. Oil heat. Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful we HAVE heat but the amount of money we spend on heating oil a fall/winter season is ridiculous!
5. Overlapping cabinets. We have those weird "jokester" cabinets where you ALWAYS have to shut the left before you can shut the right. And of course even after living here for almost 4 1/2 years, I still get it wrong on the first attempt.
6. Creaky floors. We have old hardwood floors and I can pretty much pin point every place in the floor that will creak if you step on it..except in the baby's room. I'm always tiptoeing around her room, in her room, anything to make sure I don't wake her up. I'm still trying to master this skill after almost a year.
7. Sticky counters. Sometimes, ok more often than not...there are random coffee spills (thanks to the only other person in this house that drinks coffee...and it's not the baby) around the coffee pot. Our counters are an ugly yellow-ish tint and sugar and coffee is sometimes are to find on them. But I always happen to run my hand over it, when I least expect it.
8. Lack of a dishwasher. This has become such a pet peeve of mine. I've never had a dish washer "of my own" and I'm so tired of hand washing dishes it's not even funny. Sometimes I have to spend an hour talking myself into cooking just because I know there will be a ton of dishes to wash afterwards. Bleh!
9. Random clutter. I'm sure every house acquires a random pile of "stuff" in one particular area every now and then. We're lucky to have a few places where this happens. The dining room table, the area by the front door, and the office desk. If only every thing did have their own place to be put away.
10. Flat mailbox. This house has one of those mailboxes that you nail to a wall. Well ours is not-so-nicely nailed to a brick wall and every once in awhile it falls off when we go to get our mail out. I hope the mailman hasn't run into this problem. I'd definitely be putting a pack of Band Aids in his Christmas card. :)
What are some of your pet peeves that you find in your own home from time to time?
Now head over to Stasha's blog and link up your lovely list of the week!

I love your list. I totally get #7 and #2, so I'm not alone in my OCD state of mind, huh? :) But I hope one day, sooner than later, you'll get yourself a dishwasher! We don't use ours everyday, but on the days we do, it's a lifesaver. Especially when entertaining... Christmas or bday gift, maybe? Crossing my fingers for ya!
ReplyDeleteHaha! Maybe I am slightly OCD too :) I just can't take stepping on crumbs! It makes me feel like I have a dirty house! Ahhh!!! And a dishwasher would be nice, although I'm sure I wouldn't use it every day, but I sure would love the option to! We rent, so unless Santa brings us a stand alone one, I think I'll never experience one until we buy a house (which is hopefully next year!) :)
DeleteI have a few of the same pet peeves! Have you ever heard of using talcum powder to help with your creaky floors? I have never tried it but heard it helps!
Thanks for the tip, Meghan! I hadn't read that! I'm totally gonna try that, because it would be so worth it! :)
DeleteI don't have a dishwasher either and I swear, I spend more time doing dishes than actually cooking. And eating.
ReplyDeleteSticky counters drive me nuts too. I have to walk a few feet away, catch the light a certain way, before I can see for sure that the counter is clean. Insane, right?
Oh, I know what you mean! It's all about the lighting! ;)
DeleteI don't have a dishwasher either. So I decided to make my 12 year old my dishwasher. In a few more years (okay like ten more), you will have your own personal dishwasher too! ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha! Thanks Jill! Hopefully before we have a 12 year old in the house, we are able to buy our own house with a dishwasher ;) lolo
DeleteI can so relate to your list. Just today I was bothered by cinnamon sugar on the dining room floor, which I stepped in with my bare feet. And our washing machine just broke and had to be replaced too! (We were glad to learn that the new one will cost only $7/year to run, as opposed to $75!)
ReplyDeleteWhen we moved into our current house, we didn't have a dishwasher either. We put up with it for a few years (at the time we only had one kiddo), but eventually we bought a small-size one (our kitchen's not very big, and we didn't want to sacrifice too much cupboard space). Now it's hard to imagine life without it, especially because we have three kids!
Oh a dish washer would be quite a necessity with a family of 5! ;) I love cinnamon and sugar together, but on my feet?...yikes!
DeleteThanks for the comment, Marie!
Phew. Congrats on the new washer!! My dryer died last month and it was the longest two weeks ever. Replace crumbs with sand and dinning table with kitchen counter and your list is mine baby!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Stasha! :) It's amazing how fast a household can crumble without major appliances!
DeleteI also hate crumbs on the floor. I rub my feet together while sitting down to get them off. Then I HAVE to get the broom out! But sure is better than carpet. I hate lugging out the vacuum. I also hate sticky counters and must wipe them all the time.
ReplyDeleteHaha! Well I'm glad I'm not the only one! I think I definitely need to invest in a dust buster to make my life easier! :)